On 20 and 21 June, the offshore energy industry gathered for the 7th edition of Seanergy, the international event dedicated to offshore renewable energies.
In Paris for the first time, all the French and international players and economic and political decision-makers from across the industry gathered in a central location to facilitate meetings in a particularly favourable context for the widespread deployment and fast growth of offshore renewable energie. The 8th edition will take place on 26 and 27 June 2024 in Nantes.
« In the fight against climate change, we will need the contribution of marine energies and to build ambitious and concerted projects. This means working together, with local elected representatives, operators, industrialists, SMEs and major groups. […] Seanergy shows the extent to which we have what it takes to move forward together », said Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister for Energy Transition, in her opening speech at Seanergy 2023.
« The Parisian edition of Seanergy was a great success, welcoming nearly 4,000 participants and 200 exhibitors. The topics addressed, both in the exhibition and during talks and panel discussions, were strengthened with hydrogen, floating solar energy, digital technology and drones, as well as the challenges linked to training and employment in this sector. Today, Seanergy is helping to make France one of the world’s leading regions for offshore renewable energies, in a global context of climate crisis and energy sovereignty », explains Sabrina Peseux, Managing Director of Bluesign, organiser of Seanergy.
A review of this special edition:
- 7th edition organised by Bluesign since 2016 over 2 days of exhibitions and 1 additional day dedicated to technical visits
- Nearly 4,000 visitors, including leaders and experts from the offshore renewable energy industry, academia and public authorities, with 40 countries represented: Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, Italy,…
- 200+ exhibitors including RWE, Hitachi Energy, DEME, Siemens Gamesa, ENI Plenitude, Corio… bringing together innovations, technologies, projects and solutions for today and tomorrow
- 50 international talks an panel discussions offering feedback, a glimpse into the future of the sector, and inspiring talks on renewable energy projects and experiences.
- Pitch events to discover 8 innovative companies and projects in the sector
Highlights and innovations include
- Event opened by Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister for Energy Transition > watch her speech on video
- Launch of the online recruitment fair, organised in partnership with Pôle Emploi, from 26 August to 21 September.
- Announcement and highlights for industry stakeholders: contract between RWE and Chantiers de l’Atlantique for the substations of the Nordseecluster group of four offshore wind farms in Germany, acceleration of offshore wind energy in France, proposal by French clusters for European coordination on local content, technical visit by participants to the Vaisala production site in Saclay to find out all about the design and operation of their offshore meteorological measurement tool, in partnership with Akrocean
- Presentation of the Research and Innovation Prize by François de Rugy, Regional Councillor, Former Minister for Ecology, Former President of the French National Assembly to the winners from 30 shortlisted candidates. The best poster awards was given to Marine Dupoiron, IFP Energies Nouvelles for her work on coupling static wake models with hydrostatics of floats for offshore wind farms