Would you like to make your research work on MRE and offshore wind known? Take advantage of Seanergy 2020 to present your poster for 2 days in the heart of the exhibition space!
To participate, your research must focus on one of the following themes:
- Marine Renewable Energy
- Offshore Wind
- Energy storage
- MRE and Smart Grids
- MRE and digital
Deadline to register:
Friday April 17, 2020: express your interest by sending us by email your last name, first name, email, university, title of your research poster
Friday May 22, 2020: send your poster in PDF format – the model will be provided to you after April 17
Tuesday June 2, 2020: send your abstract in PDF format
Seanergy 2020 R&D Award
All posters will be reviewed by the research & development committee. The best poster will be awarded during Seanergy 2020!